Daily Archives: June 4, 2018

Save Energy and Save Money ~ Get $10 When you Sign up with OhmConnect!

“It’s good to have goals” is one of Zach’s favorite sayings whenever I state some bold new plan that I’m going to implement in my daily routine. Usually along the lines of leaping out of bed and not hitting the snooze button, unplugging at 7 PM every day for a week, drinking a gallon of water every day, or being more consistent about taking my vitamins. Well, a couple of days ago, while idly flipping through my ValPak mailer, I saw a flyer for OhmConnect.


Basically, you sign up, connect your gas and electric account, get notifications of hours to reduce your energy use, and save money. You earn cash payments for the energy you save. It’s cashback rewards for saving money.

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Everyone wants to use less energy, right? Like other apps that make big goals (i.e., lose weight) into achievable milestones, this program sends you a text of a one hour #OhmHour in which you can reduce your use and earn money! From $100 to $300 a year if you cut your use during the #ohmhour. You can set how many hours per week you’d like to participate in. I chose 4. The first one is tomorrow.

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Want to join in the fun and start earning cash for saving energy? Sign up today and get:

  • $10 when you sign-up and complete enrollment
  • Another $10 when you connect your first smart device
  • Make over $100 a year just by using less energy

Ready to get started? Use my referral invitation: https://ohm.co/val-ashton