Save Energy and Save Money ~ Get $10 When you Sign up with OhmConnect!
“It’s good to have goals” is one of Zach’s favorite sayings whenever I state some bold new plan that I’m going to implement in my daily routine. Usually along the lines of leaping out of bed and not hitting the snooze button, unplugging at 7 PM every day for a week, drinking a gallon of water every day, or being more consistent about taking my vitamins. Well, a couple of days ago, while idly flipping through my ValPak mailer, I saw a flyer for OhmConnect.
Basically, you sign up, connect your gas and electric account, get notifications of hours to reduce your energy use, and save money. You earn cash payments for the energy you save. It’s cashback rewards for saving money.
Everyone wants to use less energy, right? Like other apps that make big goals (i.e., lose weight) into achievable milestones, this program sends you a text of a one hour #OhmHour in which you can reduce your use and earn money! From $100 to $300 a year if you cut your use during the #ohmhour. You can set how many hours per week you’d like to participate in. I chose 4. The first one is tomorrow.
Want to join in the fun and start earning cash for saving energy? Sign up today and get:
- $10 when you sign-up and complete enrollment
- Another $10 when you connect your first smart device
- Make over $100 a year just by using less energy
Ready to get started? Use my referral invitation:
Thinking About 2015 Resolutions and Goals
During December every year, I think about the goals I want to make for the following year. I am always optimistic that the new year will be the best year yet! I am not someone to write down a few resolutions on New Year’s Eve and then half-heartedly try to achieve them. For me, a resolution starts with a simple acknowledgement that I want some part of my life to be better and is brought to life with a plan that includes daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Along with that acknowledgement and plan, is an understanding of why I need to make a change. This understanding is critical when I am feeling lazy or procrastinating
For lots of people, resolutions are forgotten and abandoned by mid-January. I think this is because most people don’t have a specific plan for achieving their goals. There is a saying “Failing to plan is planning to fail” – and it’s really true. If you want to lose weight, but don’t know how you are going to do it, it’s not going to magically happen. A weight loss plan will be much more successful with a specific diet and exercise plan, broken down to daily workouts and calorie intake. Rather than resolutions, I like to focus on big goals that I can achieve, and improvements to fine-tune things I am already working on.
My big goal for 2015 is to get my private pilot license, and hopefully instrument rating. This I am working on daily, and will continue to do so until I pass that FAA Checkride. Other than that, my 2015 goals are continued improvements on 2014 efforts. I want to be more effective in keeping my house organized. Specifically, I will be better at going through mail right away, keeping the kitchen counters clutter free at all time. And laundry and dirty dishes will be addressed daily, so that they’re never waiting for me for too long. Another one of my goals for 2015 is to make the most of the valuable period of time in the morning before Ava gets up. Before I had a baby, I never realized how precious that little time is. I would lie in bed and hit the snooze button 5 or 8 times. And sometimes, I still like to do that. But now when I hear the alarm on my cell phone, I know that the cell phone alarm is a precursor to an impending baby alarm, which really can’t be ignored. If I can get up 30-45 minutes before Ava, I can have breakfast, shower, and be dressed before she gets up, which makes for a much less stressful morning.
Believe you can achieve what you set your heart to achieve, and you will do it. It might not be easy, but it will be worth it.